Sunday, December 14, 2008

Beauty of Sinharaja Rain Forest - Post # 03

In this photoset I am showing some features of Shorea stipularis, Zingiber zerumbet and Clerodendrum sp.
In the Clerodendrum sp. Red colour sepals are visible, but petals [White] are no longer available. That means it is ready to fruit.
There are 2 photos showing features of Shorea stipularis. First feature is the presence of nice greenish to yellow stipules [like small leaves] near the leaf petiole. Second feature is the large cylindrical trunk. Shorea stipularis is ENDEMIC to srilanka and can be found in the canopy level of Primary forests of Sinharaja.
Finally I have shown you a flower of Zingiber zerumbet [White to green]. This is a shrub.


vichy said...

flowers... the beautiful things.....